How to Fix your Fear of Maths (paperback)

How to Fix your Fear of Maths
Number based brain training for grown-ups
Our modern way of life is dependent upon our ability to cope with mathematics, yet many adults struggle with even basic numerical calculations. This book not only shows, step by step, how to tackle multiplication, division, addition and subtraction, but also shows awesome 'high-speed' tips and tricks on how to manipulate figures without a calculator. It covers not only the four mathematical operations, but also times tables, decimals, fractions, percentages, time, volume, area and basic algebra. And to help the reader keep on track, there are light-hearted challenges and puzzles at the end of each chapter, as well as a chapter of brain-teasers.
How to Fix your Fear of Maths (book version)
Our modern way of life is dependent upon our ability to cope with mathematics, yet many adults struggle with even basic numerical calculations. This book not only shows, step by step, how to tackle multiplication, division, addition and subtraction, but also shows awesome 'high-speed' tips and tricks on how to manipulate figures without a calculator. It covers not only the four mathematical operations, but also times tables, decimals, fractions, percentages, time, volume, area and basic algebra. And to help the reader keep on track, there are light-hearted challenges and puzzles at the end of each chapter, as well as a chapter of brain-teasers. Readers will also have the opportunity to test their skills with timed challenges, at the end of the book. Linked to this book is an internet web-page where the reader can further practise their new-found skills, including times tables. This site is suitable for ALL ages (including children) and is free to use: book could not only make the reader number wise, it could also increase their self-confidence, concentration skills, and brain-power.There have been many maths books written for children and younger students but this easy-to-follow book is specifically for adults or more mature students.
This is the printed version book but it is also available as an ebook in PDF format, that can be read on most computing devices including laptops, tablets and smart phones.
How to Fix your Fear of Maths (ebook PDF version)